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Vintage and handmade clothes....the choice was amazing. I promised myself to come back after Christmas and buy some stuff. Goodness it was harder than l thought. Such amazing and unusual clothes!!
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A new wall monument in the Market
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Red hat, fur coat...and sneakers!
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Christmas decorations in the market. These stars were amazing. They have loads of tiny flashing bulbs in each star, that flashed away, making them look like real stars. the steeple in the background is from Spitalfield church.
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Loads of stag antlers and wooden and brass shoe casts from a cobbler. Can't at the moment think of their correct name!!!
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The silver beech tree walkway...beautiful.
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Ah! just the right thing for a day like today, Actually, lets be honest,,there dosen't have to be a reason..l just love the stuff!
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I like the reflection, sort of the inside and outside of London!
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L adore these lamps
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This really was the colour of the building. I had to try three or four shots before l could get the colour right. Not photoshopped..just natural sunlight.
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Seen near Tate Modern.
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I have not photo shopped this blue and the colour of the terricota chimmney pots. This was taken in Barnes Village.
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i want it
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I didn't realise the milkman still delivered orange in bottles still! Brought back memories of my childhood!
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A very plain but beautifully decorated door for `Christmas.
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christmas stencils on a London pub.
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HUGE sculptures on a wall in a bank entrance in Spitfield.
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Life boat on duty!
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Snowy London
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Such a dramatic sky scape.
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Love the colour of the sky.
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The weeping willows around Barnes Pond have turned a beautiful colour this year...sort of a coppery green!
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so beautiful!
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Tate Modern. one of my favorite london galleries.
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It really was this blue and it is in UK! The red and blue is just yummy!!
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I love this row of houses in London.
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Feels like it should be snowing!
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Love his old building unfortunatly being squeezed out by the modern building all around it!
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Although this looks like a piece of Modern Art, iot is infact Barnes railway bridge under repair...and it is still working!