white_shadow_photog: "Good Day, Sir!"
white_shadow_photog: The Renaissance Man
white_shadow_photog: Court Jester Reject
white_shadow_photog: The Barbarian Couple
white_shadow_photog: "That's Miss Fairy to you"
white_shadow_photog: The Flaming Juggler
white_shadow_photog: The Joust, Part 2
white_shadow_photog: The Joust, Part 1...Let the Competition Begin
white_shadow_photog: Is this better, Lynne?!?!?
white_shadow_photog: The Limeybirds
white_shadow_photog: One Of The Limeybirds Goes Solo...
white_shadow_photog: Belly Dancer
white_shadow_photog: The Knights Of The Round Table
white_shadow_photog: "The Water Wenches": The Group Shot
white_shadow_photog: "The Water Wenches"
white_shadow_photog: What Every Household Needs...
white_shadow_photog: "Stuck a feather in his (her?) hat..."
white_shadow_photog: Bear Royality
white_shadow_photog: Look Ma... No Hands!
white_shadow_photog: Last Call... "The Bar Wenches"