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הייתי ילד בימים חולם
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Lodzia Mu znów w tiwiksie. Idę się relaksować.
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white meets dali in starbucks:
W radiu dziś same ekstrawaganckie aranżacje Niemena.
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our beloved revolutionary sweetheart
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....festiwal patologii
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תיאטרון אור
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Jahne The Polish Jew and Ori, the American Jew.
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Soldier from Mea Shearim. Like in Poland, long long ago.
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day and night #1
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I recommend the art of slow reading and waiting for the wind, which finally come and shows the flag in its beauty.
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so states of un-satisfaction, objects which we see or which reveal an absence are the only performances to which the individual recovers in susceptive uniqueness.
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a time to ease your solace.
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miasto mieso maszyna makrela
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a time to feel so small.
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my life is one big stream of connecting flights. #bali #japan #poland
white meets dali in starbucks: