WhitehousePost: The #CharlieInNewYork Tour continues...
WhitehousePost: The #CharlieInNewYork saga continues... In, obvi, #NewYork
WhitehousePost: Oh yes. There was a #JenShelleyNight. And it involved flower purchases. Naturally.
WhitehousePost: @mcharliegeorges is in #newyork You can see the smiles from the west coast. Exceptions being made, of course, for the Karaoke Game Face in the bottom left. But, I mean, it's karaoke we're talking about here. OBViously you gotsta getchyer game face on...
WhitehousePost: Old meets new at #CarbonVFX in #NewYork
WhitehousePost: #TossbackTuesday to when these two trouble makers made off with @mcharliegeorges in #NewYork
WhitehousePost: #TbT to the days when @lalahertz8 and @fpd_nyc shared an office--bc #UPGRADE = Office Revamp!
WhitehousePost: Quackenbush wedding magic with the happy couple!
WhitehousePost: Let's just #TimeTravel on a quick jaunt down #MemoryLaneMonday to when @jenshelley3 + @trustnofilter went all #NewYork with the fire stoop selfies.
WhitehousePost: #GhettoFilmSchool tackles #Williamsburg with art + music @STREBslam: Art Congress this Friday @ 7. @OxheartNYC curates + @DelicateSteve and People's Champs will provide the sweet jamz. Oh--and $20 gets you in and beered--all night. Hit up @ghettofilmschoo
WhitehousePost: #AfterTheStorm is the #AfterStorm...
WhitehousePost: @briancmay and @dangutterman hangin' out in #NewYork
WhitehousePost: #StormsABrewin in #NewYork
WhitehousePost: Tiny Dancer, gets you every time. @whitehousepost
WhitehousePost: This one with the passion.
WhitehousePost: Marcia = karaoke killing it with support from @alebumble
WhitehousePost: Hurricane Arthur en route? @whitehousepost NY is prepared. #umbrellas&beers
WhitehousePost: Grasping to that last gasping fragment of hope... #WorldCup #NewYork #USA!!!
WhitehousePost: Breath holding @whitehousepost NYC.
WhitehousePost: @lalahertz8 #GeekingOut at the #London office. #NerdAlert
WhitehousePost: Had to make one quick stop while in London... #nerdalert @whitehousepost
WhitehousePost: Documented by our on the ground meteorologist @lalahertz8 in #newyork the bottom two are the same view.
WhitehousePost: Now you see it, now you don't. @whitehousepost #nofilter
WhitehousePost: #PartnersInTheRain #newyork
WhitehousePost: Hey guys, do you think it's going to rain? #nofilter @whitehousepost
WhitehousePost: Why not start the day with these bright faces? #FlashbackFriday to last night. #AdProm #AICP #NewYork
WhitehousePost: @whitehousepost NYC production ready for #adprom #aicp
WhitehousePost: Sometimes all your favorites are at one table. @gentlemanscholar #capgun #carbonvfx
WhitehousePost: Sometimes all of your favorites are at one table. @whitehousepost @gentlemanscholar #capgun #carbonvfx