WhiteFang (Eurobricks): My Valentine date to Joker Clubhouse
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): An original polybag image of the 5004929 Batman Battle Pod
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): Back view of the original polybag image of the 5004929 Batman Battle Pod
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): The polybag actual content
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): The LEGO building content
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): Grab your Battle Pod and bring your Batman whenever you go
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): A closer look at the gadget holding area
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): A closer look at the background view
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): Tiger Tuxedo Batman
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): Back view of Tiger Tuxedo Batman
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): Side view of Tiger Tuxedo Batman
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): Front view of the minifigure without the hood
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): Back view of the minifigure without the hood
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): I have ordered special pizza delivery for our date
WhiteFang (Eurobricks): I have more new costume designs