whitebuffalobk: Pretty Little Plants
whitebuffalobk: Crawdad Stack
whitebuffalobk: Mouse Eared Chickweed Cerastium fontanum
whitebuffalobk: Little Green Man?
whitebuffalobk: A Jogger
whitebuffalobk: Horsetail or Scouring Rush Equisetum hyemale
whitebuffalobk: Horsetail or Scouring Rush Equisetum hyemale
whitebuffalobk: Moss Fruiting Structures
whitebuffalobk: Sour Dock Rumex crispus
whitebuffalobk: Dead Nettle Lamium purpureum
whitebuffalobk: I thought I knew what this was...I'll title this later
whitebuffalobk: Ancient Poison Ivy Vine
whitebuffalobk: Bedstraws and some grass
whitebuffalobk: Bent and Twisted Tree
whitebuffalobk: Wild Daffodils
whitebuffalobk: The Requisite Sign
whitebuffalobk: Hopper Street Overpass
whitebuffalobk: Under the Bridge
whitebuffalobk: Dead Nettle Lamium purpureum
whitebuffalobk: Dead Nettle Lamium purpureum
whitebuffalobk: Gnarly Old Stump
whitebuffalobk: Big Dead Limb in the Creek
whitebuffalobk: Concretion in Limestone
whitebuffalobk: Concretion in Limestone
whitebuffalobk: Dead Tree
whitebuffalobk: Muddy Path Now Dry
whitebuffalobk: Multiflora Rose Rosa multiflora
whitebuffalobk: Star of Bethlehem Ornithogalum umbellatum
whitebuffalobk: Three Pretty Coeds
whitebuffalobk: Map of the Trail