Whistling Joe: Damsel Fly
Whistling Joe: Hawthorn Shield Bug
Whistling Joe: Fly in the garden
Whistling Joe: Big Hairy Caterpillar
Whistling Joe: Four Spotted Chaser
Whistling Joe: Pair of Damsel Pairs
Whistling Joe: Flies up to no good
Whistling Joe: Zebra Jumping Spider
Whistling Joe: Bee on Thistle
Whistling Joe: Come into my parlour...
Whistling Joe: Mmm, liquidised lunch!
Whistling Joe: Yum, fly for starters
Whistling Joe: Orange Tip Butterfly and Fly
Whistling Joe: Speckled Wood Butterfly
Whistling Joe: Green-Veined White Butterfly
Whistling Joe: Mrs WJ's Butterfly Friend
Whistling Joe: Tree Wasp
Whistling Joe: Froghopper
Whistling Joe: Drone-fly
Whistling Joe: Scarce Chaser
Whistling Joe: Helophilus Trivittatus
Whistling Joe: Swallowtail Butterfly
Whistling Joe: Swallowtail Butterfly
Whistling Joe: Miris Striatus
Whistling Joe: Sand Wasp
Whistling Joe: The Lackey Caterpillar
Whistling Joe: Dragonfly at rest