whistlepunch: ATESL 2013: Gerry, Amanda Lindhout, Greg and Dora
whistlepunch: ATESL 2013 Keynote: Amanda Lindhout
whistlepunch: ATESL 2013 Keynote: Amanda Lindhout
whistlepunch: ATESL 2013: ATESL President 2013-2014 Dorte Weber
whistlepunch: ATESL 2013: ATESL outgoing board members with the President and President Elect
whistlepunch: ATESL 2013: ATESL Lifetime Membership winner: Barb Penner
whistlepunch: ATESL 2013: ATESL Dawn Seabrook de Vargas Fellowship winner Allison Dennis
whistlepunch: ATESL 2013: ATESL Dawn Seabrook de Vargas Fellowship winner Carol Smyth
whistlepunch: ATESL 2013: ATESL Dawn Seabrook de Vargas Fellowship winner Carol Smyth
whistlepunch: ATESL 2013: ATESL Presentation: Life Beyond ESL
whistlepunch: ATESL 2013: ATESL 2013 Conference co-chairs Gerry Landreville and Greg Meaker
whistlepunch: ATESL 2013: ATESL Keynote: Will Ferguson