Flat Coat Whimsy:
A dip in the snow ~ 1/12/A
Flat Coat Whimsy:
The continue line of questions even while running ~ 1/12/B
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Gentle Whimsy ~ 2/12
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Have you hugged your dog today? ~ 2/12/B
Flat Coat Whimsy:
On the bed patiently waiting ~ 3/12
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Whimsy in her element 3/12/B
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Nothing can keep a Flat Coat down 4/12/A
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Down in her field ~ 4/12/B
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Excuse me? ~ 5/12/A
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Caught with the socks ~ 5/12/b
Flat Coat Whimsy:
I see you ~ 5/12/C
Flat Coat Whimsy:
It's all about the tongue ~ 6/12/a Tech Challenge
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Did you say that there is something in the woods? 6/12/b
Flat Coat Whimsy:
The competition was tough 6/12/c
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Sea otter or Flat Coated Retriever? 7/12/a
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Once upon a time I was a RN, not anymore... 7/12b
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Two Smiling Faces 8/12/b
Flat Coat Whimsy:
This is fun.... 8/12/c
Flat Coat Whimsy:
What is beyond the bend? 8/12/d
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Whimsy's 101 Flood Protocol ~ 9/12/a
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Did you just say "Eat me"? 9/12/b
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Happy October, Flickr! 10/12/a
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Chasing the birds on the beach 10/12/b
Flat Coat Whimsy:
On Alert ~ 10/12/c
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Dog Behind the Cat ~ 10/12/D
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Sleepy November ~ 11/12
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Take my ornament. Please, Grandma ~ 12/12/a
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Dear Santa ~ 12/12/b
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Mine ~ 12/12/c
Flat Coat Whimsy:
Hooray for Christmas ~ 12/12/D