whimsical_male: Keep still!
whimsical_male: The feast
whimsical_male: I've lost my thread!
whimsical_male: Where's that old lady who swallowed a fly?
whimsical_male: I'll take this for the missus!
whimsical_male: beeelicious
whimsical_male: Just winging it!
whimsical_male: We're just good friends
whimsical_male: In a jam (strawberry to be precise)
whimsical_male: So who took the jam?
whimsical_male: You 'ate 'em I eat 'em
whimsical_male: Bee xylophopne (you hum it and I'll play it)!
whimsical_male: Just passing
whimsical_male: Bee stop
whimsical_male: I'm back
whimsical_male: Straight back
whimsical_male: It wont budge!
whimsical_male: Looking for love
whimsical_male: Landing pad
whimsical_male: Flight of fancy
whimsical_male: Come into my web
whimsical_male: Collector
whimsical_male: A sting in the tail
whimsical_male: Full of pollen
whimsical_male: Feeling good
whimsical_male: Feathery hem