whilbl: Accross the Moon
whilbl: Lunar eclipse September 2015
whilbl: Lunar eclipse September 2015
whilbl: Lunar eclipse September 2015
whilbl: Lunar eclipse September 2015
whilbl: Lunar eclipse September 2015
whilbl: Lunar eclipse September 2015
whilbl: Lunar eclipse September 2015
whilbl: Lunar eclipse September 2015
whilbl: The Moon
whilbl: Aim for the moon
whilbl: Full moon...
whilbl: A glimpse at draco
whilbl: Starry night
whilbl: Orion and Canis Major
whilbl: Starry night - Orion
whilbl: Starry night - great bear
whilbl: Starry night - Mars and Venus
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whilbl: DSC00447
whilbl: DSC07900
whilbl: 07060121
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whilbl: 07070124
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whilbl: DSC09049
whilbl: DSC09053