whilbl: Sleepy...
whilbl: Look me in the eyes...
whilbl: Ahhhh, some dirt to sleep on...
whilbl: The cat on the logs
whilbl: Fasan
whilbl: If you are a cat, everything looks like a bed...
whilbl: Katze mit Topf
whilbl: Keeping watch...
whilbl: The mighty cat watches her land
whilbl: In between
whilbl: Eurasian eagle-owl chick (Bubo bubo)
whilbl: Eurasian eagle-owl chick (Bubo bubo)
whilbl: Great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
whilbl: Katze
whilbl: Feed me
whilbl: Sleepy cat...
whilbl: A little family
whilbl: Coypu
whilbl: A great tit (Parus major)
whilbl: Coypu
whilbl: Coypu
whilbl: Coypu
whilbl: Coypu
whilbl: Albino Coypu
whilbl: Cat on stairs
whilbl: Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)
whilbl: Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)
whilbl: Sleeping swan
whilbl: Swan
whilbl: Fieldfares dining in winter