Flortography: Secret Life of Fish
Flortography: L' Aube Plus Magique- Français Polynesie
Flortography: Once In a Lifetime Shot- Mindo, Ecuador
Flortography: Perfect Shot- Upper Antelope Canyon, AZ
Flortography: Lake Powell Pano 2- Arizona
Flortography: Unknown Forms 2- White Pockets
Flortography: Giant Wolf Spider- Mindo, Ecuador
Flortography: King Petros- Minoan Palace, Crete
Flortography: Cretan Sunset- Chania, Crete
Flortography: Myakka State Park- Sarasota, FL
Flortography: Ocean Scorpion
Flortography: Matin Est Un Reve -- Moorea, Francais Polynesie
Flortography: Always. Forever- Ta Prohm, Cambodia
Flortography: Entrance to Past- Ta Prohm, Cambodia
Flortography: Le Roi - Tonle Sap, Cambodia
Flortography: Sunrise- Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Flortography: Share this Moment- Mooloolaba, Australia
Flortography: Sunset Storm Front- Moab, Utah
Flortography: Valley of the Gods- Mexican Hat, Utah
Flortography: Mt. Rainier
Flortography: Queenstown, New Zealand
Flortography: Withlacooche River, FL
Flortography: Shadow Walkers- Sydney, Australia
Flortography: Printemps- Skagit Valley, WA
Flortography: Welcome Committee- Portobelo, Panama
Flortography: Snow Lake- Mt Baker, WA
Flortography: Dusk, You & Me- Veracruz, Panama
Flortography: View of Lake Wakatipu- Queenstown, New Zealand
Flortography: Stormy Weather- Waitakere Range, New Zealand
Flortography: Freakin Frigate bird!- Genovesa, Galapagos