whidbey: Yes, often the trip starts out like this
whidbey: At Ship Harbor
whidbey: Arriving
whidbey: Misty Fidalgo
whidbey: Decatur Island
whidbey: The beautiful grey
whidbey: Here comes the Hiyu
whidbey: Tulips at Lopez
whidbey: On board
whidbey: The Routes
whidbey: Mitchell Road
whidbey: The campsite
whidbey: A little bit of sun on the water
whidbey: The only "sunset" we had
whidbey: The moon was out, though
whidbey: Grasses by dusk
whidbey: But the next day....
whidbey: The silver lining
whidbey: The Olympics
whidbey: Unbelievably sunny
whidbey: On the bluff
whidbey: Looking out
whidbey: Nearing sunset
whidbey: Rocks and more distant ones