whidbey: The Trailhead
whidbey: Turtleback Mountain greenery
whidbey: There was snow on the trail
whidbey: Like a Grecian Temple
whidbey: A precarious view of Waldron Island
whidbey: A wonderful stroll
whidbey: Atop a vantage point
whidbey: Above the President Channel
whidbey: Beloved Speiden Island
whidbey: The terrain
whidbey: Fir cones
whidbey: Looking out to the blue
whidbey: San Juan Island and elusive Olympic mountaintops
whidbey: Sticking up out of the clouds, like Olympus
whidbey: Like a cross between LOTR and Greek mythology
whidbey: Lichen balds
whidbey: Alders just starting to bud