whidbey: Another fine day at Sunset Park
whidbey: This is what we do all winter in Seattle
whidbey: Container ships are a common sight
whidbey: Remnants in red
whidbey: Green and Gold Mountain
whidbey: Silhouette with water
whidbey: At the edge
whidbey: The grooved rules of shadow
whidbey: Friday Afternoon
whidbey: One of those pastel sunsets
whidbey: At Golden Gardens
whidbey: The Brothers Mountain
whidbey: Quiet and adrift
whidbey: The Olympic Mountains and birds
whidbey: The Cascades as viewed from Sugarloaf Mountain
whidbey: Sugarloaf Mountain viewpoint
whidbey: February 10
whidbey: Precinct 43-1291
whidbey: Pheasants
whidbey: Closeup of Whitehorse Mountain
whidbey: Horizon
whidbey: Way off in the yonder
whidbey: Yonder Horizon Sequence
whidbey: The approaching weather
whidbey: Nearing sundown
whidbey: Glowing afterness
whidbey: Vibrant post-sunset suggestion #1
whidbey: The runner captured
whidbey: Nearly full moon setting over the Olympics
whidbey: UFO cloud over the Mountain