whidbey: OK, this is where the trip is SUPPOSED to start
whidbey: Mt. Baker
whidbey: Beautiful day in the Pac NW
whidbey: The "Wow" window out to the Strait of Juan de Fuca
whidbey: Burrows Island
whidbey: That's right. I'm just sitting on deck taking pictures
whidbey: And ten miles later off the boat, here we are
whidbey: Hot day
whidbey: Better take it easy on the beach
whidbey: Much cooler here than on the gold-brown baked grass
whidbey: Watching the kayakers
whidbey: Doing their thing
whidbey: Dogs jumping in the water
whidbey: Did I say just how fabulous it was?
whidbey: I really need to get into this...
whidbey: The bike camp
whidbey: Late summer dryness
whidbey: Through the trees
whidbey: Looking out to Saltspring Island
whidbey: Rockiness
whidbey: The Haro Strait
whidbey: Dreamy late afternoon
whidbey: Sudden surge
whidbey: Cool water
whidbey: Almost arid. No rain for weeks
whidbey: Faint view of the Olympic Mountains
whidbey: The Haro Strait and Vancouver Island
whidbey: Freighter
whidbey: Riding to Young's Hill