whidbey: It's about 3000 feet up
whidbey: never far from the sound of water
whidbey: Boardwalks to protect muddy areas
whidbey: Cool, clear water
whidbey: The trail stays nice and flat for about two miles
whidbey: No wonder they called these mountains the Cascades
whidbey: A nice place to sunbathe
whidbey: Avalanche Chute
whidbey: A Perfect Day
whidbey: A glimpse of Hibox Mountain
whidbey: Hibox Again
whidbey: Rampart Ridge
whidbey: Just a peaceful day to do some trudging
whidbey: More cascades to be had
whidbey: And downright waterfalls
whidbey: A rushing torrent
whidbey: Just couldn't resist, now could you?
whidbey: Yes, this place is green
whidbey: And it starts climbing
whidbey: More views through the trees
whidbey: Tall trees
whidbey: Bright light
whidbey: Too bright, really
whidbey: Dryer than the western slopes
whidbey: The Box Canyon Environs
whidbey: Showing its summer colors
whidbey: After about 45 minutes of pure grueling steepness, you are rewarded with this
whidbey: Glacial Walls
whidbey: Deep blue