whidbey: Rosario Strait
whidbey: Lopez Island
whidbey: With Olympic Mountains
whidbey: Almighty White Watcher & Sisters
whidbey: At San Juan County Park
whidbey: About 8 PM
whidbey: Long shadows
whidbey: Nearing Sunset
whidbey: Peace
whidbey: The Haro Strait, looking towards Vancouver Island
whidbey: Kayaker
whidbey: The long slow golden glow
whidbey: Vibrant
whidbey: Tree Silhouette Sequence
whidbey: Enter rose color
whidbey: Now more purples
whidbey: But no less gold and orange
whidbey: Just as cozy as it appears
whidbey: A deeper, mystical stance
whidbey: Smallpox Bay
whidbey: Somebody put the dimmer switch on a timer
whidbey: From the West Side of San Juan Island, looking to the Olympics
whidbey: Heading to Sidney, BC
whidbey: Speiden Island
whidbey: A rock that truly defies categorization
whidbey: Golden and Windswept
whidbey: What the...?
whidbey: If you look closely there are dozens of social trails
whidbey: That sure is a weird place...
whidbey: It's only like this on one side of the island