frigate: Theresia
frigate: these things really are fun to ride
frigate: the fleet
frigate: jericho, vt
frigate: pulling the indicators
frigate: clock and voltmeter
frigate: headlight bucket revealed (and then there was purple light)
frigate: instrument cluster
frigate: the stable
frigate: idle
frigate: 12min @ 375 deg f
frigate: shaped and ready for skin
frigate: legs
frigate: fit check
frigate: seat becomes rack seat
frigate: scalloped
frigate: superior
frigate: copper beds
frigate: Nonesuch Mine trail head
frigate: sure footed
frigate: equally crappy
frigate: Thank you Valley City!
frigate: Theresia gets to sleep indoors
frigate: Next Chapter:
frigate: Meth make you a dinosaur
frigate: unbelievable silence
frigate: collecting sage
frigate: sluice
frigate: taking a stance on hydroelectric
frigate: Fort Peck, MT