heytherewombat: In case you haven't seen one, this is what a roadkill necropsy kit looks like.
heytherewombat: Up yours! A domperidone suppository, one of the last resort antiemetics)
heytherewombat: I haz a light meter for my Lubitel. It's ancient. I love it.
heytherewombat: Brilliant use for empty glucose test strip cans: carnation holder!
heytherewombat: Guys, look what I've got!!!
heytherewombat: This is my total fluid consumption today. We're heading for trouble.
heytherewombat: The bonsai has been trimmed. Sensei will be happy.
heytherewombat: Hooked up
heytherewombat: Way too little claret.
heytherewombat: Naughty!
heytherewombat: I ate all my greens
heytherewombat: You've been warned.
heytherewombat: Our darling Barney
heytherewombat: New growth.
heytherewombat: My very very last outing ever with MCBC ;( almost getting sentimental!
heytherewombat: Reflection
heytherewombat: I've always felt sorry for this poor neurotic door for being constantly alarmed. Maybe therapy or medication would help?
heytherewombat: Punts. Quiet.
heytherewombat: Das Leben der Anderen
heytherewombat: Abandoned
heytherewombat: I has a bonsai.
heytherewombat: Rowing on.
heytherewombat: Elevator men do it up and down
heytherewombat: Regret. Regret. Regret.
heytherewombat: Mertoniensis.
heytherewombat: 1st of 2x1hr pieces
heytherewombat: Sometimes, I like hippies.
heytherewombat: Roses. Holywell Quad.
heytherewombat: Liquid dinner (chocolate Ensure)