Kat & Lee: Riad Dar Afram
Kat & Lee: Cat by door
Kat & Lee: Water
Kat & Lee: Orange Stall
Kat & Lee: Tortoise on the loose
Kat & Lee: By the Sea
Kat & Lee: Seagull
Kat & Lee: Boats in the Harbour
Kat & Lee: Hat Sellers
Kat & Lee: View from the Ramparts
Kat & Lee: Drum store
Kat & Lee: Rampart Stores
Kat & Lee: Ramparts
Kat & Lee: Drums
Kat & Lee: Caught in the act
Kat & Lee: Hats
Kat & Lee: Scarves
Kat & Lee: Old Wares
Kat & Lee: Medina Alley
Kat & Lee: Cat in an alley
Kat & Lee: Mosaic Entrance
Kat & Lee: Place Moulay Hassan
Kat & Lee: Essaourian Door
Kat & Lee: Place Moulay Hassan
Kat & Lee: Rooftop to Rooftop
Kat & Lee: Lee relaxing
Kat & Lee: Kat on a hot (tin) roof
Kat & Lee: Essaourian Sunset
Kat & Lee: Riad Dar Afram
Kat & Lee: Seagull Surfing