Goingtheextramile: Groaning Tor
Goingtheextramile: Looking over towards Masson Hill
Goingtheextramile: Cromford Moor
Goingtheextramile: Wild flowers
Goingtheextramile: Wild flowers
Goingtheextramile: Trig point on Middleton Moor
Goingtheextramile: Griffe Grange Valley
Goingtheextramile: Disused shaft
Goingtheextramile: Wild strawberry
Goingtheextramile: Pearsons Farm
Goingtheextramile: Entrance to Middleton Limestone Mine
Goingtheextramile: Looking into the entrance to the mine
Goingtheextramile: Another view into the entrance to the mine
Goingtheextramile: Hopton Quarry
Goingtheextramile: Hopton Quarry
Goingtheextramile: Hopton Quarry
Goingtheextramile: More wild strawberries
Goingtheextramile: Redhill Quarry
Goingtheextramile: Scramble in Redhill Quarry
Goingtheextramile: Scrambling in Redhill Quarry
Goingtheextramile: Looking down the scramble
Goingtheextramile: An airy finish
Goingtheextramile: Middleton Top Engine House
Goingtheextramile: Looking down the Middleton incline
Goingtheextramile: At the bottom of the incline
Goingtheextramile: Disused quarry
Goingtheextramile: Looking across to the Middle Peak Quarry
Goingtheextramile: Trig point on Cromford Moor
Goingtheextramile: The view from the trig point
Goingtheextramile: Trig point and TV mast