Look around and smile...: 10 Trinity Square
Look around and smile...: 20 Fenchurch Building (Nokia Building)
Look around and smile...: 1607 Bronze Cannon
Look around and smile...: Altar Piece 13th Cenntury
Look around and smile...: Angela Sheldrick Looks on
Look around and smile...: Ann Boleyn Gate 2
Look around and smile...: Ann Boleyn Gate 3
Look around and smile...: Ann Boleyn Gate
Look around and smile...: Beefeater on Duty
Look around and smile...: Beefeaters and Jubilee
Look around and smile...: Borough Market
Look around and smile...: Britannia as Navigator Statue 2
Look around and smile...: Britannia as Navigator Statue
Look around and smile...: Capt James Cook RN
Look around and smile...: Carrara - Edward Pearce 1691
Look around and smile...: Church of St Edmund the King
Look around and smile...: Cooling the head due to Heat
Look around and smile...: Defending the Keep 2
Look around and smile...: Defending the Keep
Look around and smile...: Devereaux Tower
Look around and smile...: Elephants in London
Look around and smile...: End of Lockdown restrictions 2
Look around and smile...: End of Lockdown restrictions 3
Look around and smile...: End of Lockdown restrictions 4
Look around and smile...: End of Lockdown restrictions