Look around and smile...:
Early Morning overflow ponds
Look around and smile...:
Early Morning overflow ponds 2
Look around and smile...:
Early riser 2
Look around and smile...:
Early riser
Look around and smile...:
Enjyoing the Sun B&W 2
Look around and smile...:
Enjyoing the Sun B&W
Look around and smile...:
Enjyoing the Sun
Look around and smile...:
Female Tuffed
Look around and smile...:
Female Tuffed B&W
Look around and smile...:
First Landing of the morning
Look around and smile...:
Fishing 1
Look around and smile...:
Fishing 2
Look around and smile...:
Fishing 3
Look around and smile...:
Fishing 4
Look around and smile...:
Fishing 5
Look around and smile...:
Good Morning
Look around and smile...:
Hampton Court in the Early Morning
Look around and smile...:
Local resident
Look around and smile...:
Male Tuffed Duck B&W 22
Look around and smile...:
Male Tuffed Duck B&W
Look around and smile...:
Male Tuffed Duck
Look around and smile...:
Morning Sunshine
Look around and smile...:
Morning swim B&W
Look around and smile...:
Morning swim
Look around and smile...:
Oak Pond Sunkissed in the morning
Look around and smile...:
Overflow ponds early Moring
Look around and smile...:
Overflow ponds early Morning B&W 2
Look around and smile...:
Overflow ponds early Morning B&W
Look around and smile...:
prancing 2
Look around and smile...:
prancing 3