Look around and smile...: African Pied Wagtail 2
Look around and smile...: Building the Nest with very big stick
Look around and smile...: Coming out of the water
Look around and smile...: Coot hatched chicks
Look around and smile...: Egyptian Goose
Look around and smile...: Egyptian Gosling - first chick of the season
Look around and smile...: Enjoying the puddle
Look around and smile...: Female Mallard 2
Look around and smile...: First Hatching cygnet
Look around and smile...: Guarding the Eggs
Look around and smile...: Heron in Flight
Look around and smile...: Mandarin Cruising
Look around and smile...: Mandarin Duck 6
Look around and smile...: Red crested Pochard 4
Look around and smile...: Red crested Pochard Bed Time
Look around and smile...: Robin Redbreasted 3
Look around and smile...: Spread the wings
Look around and smile...: Swan B&W Sunset
Look around and smile...: Black Headed Gull
Look around and smile...: Comorant on top of the world