Look around and smile...: Hampton Court East Facing B&W - 2
Look around and smile...: Hampton Court East Facing B&W - 3
Look around and smile...: Hampton Court East Facing B&W
Look around and smile...: Hampton Court Gardens - Sunrise
Look around and smile...: Hampton Court Palace - Early Morning B&W
Look around and smile...: Hampton Court Palace - Early Morning
Look around and smile...: Hampton Court South Facing B&W
Look around and smile...: Hercules - B&W
Look around and smile...: Hercules in the Morning B&W
Look around and smile...: Ceres - 17th Century B&W
Look around and smile...: Mars in the Morning B&W
Look around and smile...: Queen Marys Bower - B&W
Look around and smile...: Suns Out B&W 2
Look around and smile...: The Three Graces in B&W
Look around and smile...: The Privy Garden - South Side B&W