Look around and smile...: Early Morning mist B&W
Look around and smile...: Early Rise - Sepia
Look around and smile...: Early Sunrise mist
Look around and smile...: Egyptian Duck in Flight
Look around and smile...: Flying Ducks 2
Look around and smile...: Full Flight Egyptian Duck
Look around and smile...: Geese full flight
Look around and smile...: Geese in Flight 2
Look around and smile...: Geese in Flight B&W
Look around and smile...: Geese in Flight
Look around and smile...: Mum - Dad wait for me 2
Look around and smile...: Mum - Dad wait for me
Look around and smile...: Row Row Row your boat 2
Look around and smile...: Row Row Row your boat
Look around and smile...: Sun coming up slowly
Look around and smile...: Sun Kissed by the sun
Look around and smile...: The Sun Kissing the gate