wheat: Niles
wheat: Josie and Lenny
wheat: Josie at Petit Jean
wheat: ghostly lenny 002
wheat: ghostly lenny
wheat: lenny
wheat: Josie, looking in
wheat: Josie, looking up
wheat: Wheat & Josie
wheat: Another Petit Jean Shot
wheat: josie on the deck
wheat: Grey Bob, 2003
wheat: Grey Bob & White Bob, 2005
wheat: Grey Bob on the couch
wheat: White Bob
wheat: White Bob
wheat: Grey Bob, closeup
wheat: Gus
wheat: White Bob
wheat: Grey Bob
wheat: Niles
wheat: Niles
wheat: Josie, Wheat, & White Bob
wheat: Josie, wagging her tail
wheat: Josie, up close
wheat: Josie on her 11th Birthday!
wheat: White Bob & Lenny
wheat: Wheat, Haden, & White Bob
wheat: Josie
wheat: Bob in a box