estherlandau: Harper Method
estherlandau: Squirrel 6
estherlandau: Squirrel 4
estherlandau: Squirrel 5
estherlandau: Squirrel 3
estherlandau: Squirrel 2
estherlandau: Squirrel 1
estherlandau: Rooftops in DC
estherlandau: urban decay
estherlandau: Crepes
estherlandau: Ruby playing flower
estherlandau: Playing Pac Man at the Smithsonian
estherlandau: Capitol long view
estherlandau: Obama Tyranny
estherlandau: Just a flower and a bee
estherlandau: Capitol in a dustcloud
estherlandau: Ruby on her steed
estherlandau: Not thrilled in the metro station
estherlandau: buildings askew
estherlandau: That's a big eraser
estherlandau: Holding the monument
estherlandau: Washington Monument
estherlandau: Original Smithsonian
estherlandau: Ghost Tour Guide
estherlandau: Segway tour
estherlandau: Caroline on the metro
estherlandau: Slug Pickup
estherlandau: Preteen happy
estherlandau: Preteen attitude completely gone
estherlandau: Preteen attitude dissolving