estherlandau: rats in a bag
estherlandau: the present is escaping
estherlandau: around the corner
estherlandau: rat in the hand
estherlandau: pat pat
estherlandau: rats are soft
estherlandau: who me
estherlandau: hey brotha
estherlandau: handsome feller
estherlandau: elegant elmer
estherlandau: whiskers
estherlandau: out and about
estherlandau: coming out from behind
estherlandau: not doing nuthin
estherlandau: R.I.P. Ollie
estherlandau: Ernest descending
estherlandau: Snuffle
estherlandau: Rat stack
estherlandau: IMGP0493
estherlandau: Elmer under a sheet
estherlandau: Elmer under a sheet closeup
estherlandau: Elmer peeking out
estherlandau: Hangin out in Olliewood
estherlandau: Thereby hangs a tail
estherlandau: Whiskers
estherlandau: in the tube
estherlandau: Ernest