'stee: thinking aloud
'stee: dave and i discussing the conveyor belt idea
'stee: hinge
'stee: frame
'stee: skeleton
'stee: adam and dave
'stee: bits
'stee: making holes
'stee: finicky
'stee: holes
'stee: printer
'stee: bleeaaarggghh
'stee: LEDs
'stee: measuring
'stee: skateboard wheels and bearings
'stee: bits and bobs
'stee: pointy
'stee: scenery
'stee: putting the foreground together
'stee: motor and gears
'stee: gears and dowel
'stee: dave designs mario
'stee: plunger
'stee: the conveyor belt
'stee: putting it together