whatsername1000: So long, Costa del Capitano
whatsername1000: IMG_0690
whatsername1000: cruising to Napoli
whatsername1000: IMG_0694
whatsername1000: view from my hotel in Naples
whatsername1000: IMG_0696
whatsername1000: IMG_0697
whatsername1000: IMG_0698
whatsername1000: IMG_0699
whatsername1000: IMG_0700
whatsername1000: IMG_0701
whatsername1000: IMG_0703
whatsername1000: IMG_0704
whatsername1000: IMG_0705
whatsername1000: best pizza in Naples?
whatsername1000: fought the good fight
whatsername1000: tough guy scooters
whatsername1000: All these cool buildings, nobody keeping an eye on them
whatsername1000: Anarchists?
whatsername1000: IMG_0712
whatsername1000: IMG_0713
whatsername1000: Gorgeous narrow alleys (aka 'streets')
whatsername1000: IMG_0715
whatsername1000: IMG_0716
whatsername1000: not impressed with this one, Napoli
whatsername1000: nightcap Jameson, knowing I wouldn't sleep very well the night before the trip home
whatsername1000: My hotel was on this little penninsula in Naples
whatsername1000: Even pilots need maps?