whatnot: uttanasana
whatnot: lunge
whatnot: more lunges
whatnot: Desirée teaching
whatnot: prasarita paddotanasana
whatnot: shins in
whatnot: hi Catherine :)
whatnot: parsvottanasana
whatnot: demo
whatnot: try it on your own
whatnot: how low can you go?
whatnot: seating the femur
whatnot: organic energy
whatnot: assisting
whatnot: assisting
whatnot: getting closer
whatnot: listening
whatnot: standing baby cradle (not easy)
whatnot: baby cradle, fold forward
whatnot: bliss
whatnot: ardha matseyandrasana
whatnot: giving pointers
whatnot: watching Andrew’s demo
whatnot: hip crease
whatnot: how does it work?
whatnot: laughter
whatnot: lowering to pigeon
whatnot: working inner & outer spiral to get lower
whatnot: Des
whatnot: with Andrew