whatnot: last-minute addition
whatnot: signing books, eventually
whatnot: answering questions post Spring <br />
whatnot: her majesty
whatnot: ready for the masses
whatnot: everything "just so"
whatnot: schwag
whatnot: daniel gets things started
whatnot: is this thing on?
whatnot: molly and tim
whatnot: audience
whatnot: tom and nikki
whatnot: cindy and molly
whatnot: listening
whatnot: wrap-up panel, day one
whatnot: wrap-up panel, day one
whatnot: greg intercedes
whatnot: big, big strawberry
whatnot: post-lemon-tart face
whatnot: happy hour crew
whatnot: matt.
whatnot: amy
whatnot: by request
whatnot: steph!
whatnot: ethan
whatnot: getting crafty
whatnot: happy hour
whatnot: finished!
whatnot: it's a ... belt?
whatnot: it's a ... necklace?