whatnot: one with the gapper
whatnot: more of the fountain
whatnot: that fountain from the beginning of WKRP
whatnot: the building where Anne works
whatnot: colorful
whatnot: I just liked the look of this one
whatnot: garfield
whatnot: ornate
whatnot: finally met Anne!
whatnot: lunch at palomino
whatnot: carrot cake
whatnot: red velvet
whatnot: devil's food
whatnot: Northside mural
whatnot: mural detail
whatnot: young folks
whatnot: young folks redux
whatnot: starting the tour
whatnot: Fergi
whatnot: GO
whatnot: G
whatnot: F
whatnot: satellite shopland I
whatnot: might need a bigger club
whatnot: DRUGS
whatnot: the noisiest sign in the room
whatnot: fish, detail
whatnot: L-Fish
whatnot: sattelite shopland II
whatnot: we noticed lots of "drugs" signs