whatnot: adho mukha vrksasana assist
whatnot: adho mukha vrksasana assist
whatnot: proof of jesse in handstand
whatnot: adho mukha vrksasana
whatnot: how to properly loop the strap
whatnot: receiving strap instructions
whatnot: pinca mayurasana assist
whatnot: assist
whatnot: pinca mayurasana assist
whatnot: assist
whatnot: vrksasana
whatnot: vrksasana
whatnot: crescent (lateral stretch)
whatnot: crescent (lateral stretch)
whatnot: garudasana
whatnot: garudasana
whatnot: uttanasana
whatnot: arm bones back
whatnot: anjaneyasana
whatnot: dedication
whatnot: bliss happens
whatnot: opening
whatnot: utthita trikonasana
whatnot: cracking up
whatnot: utthita trikonasana
whatnot: utthita parsvakonasana
whatnot: again with the arm bones back
whatnot: reaching
whatnot: virabhadrasana I
whatnot: virabhadrasana II