whatnot: tiaras passed out? check.
whatnot: waiting to start
whatnot: still my best teacher
whatnot: sweetness
whatnot: mehtab speaks
whatnot: venus
whatnot: jesse
whatnot: lynn
whatnot: hannah
whatnot: pamela
whatnot: jeremiah
whatnot: jeremiah II
whatnot: jason
whatnot: lindy
whatnot: caroline conducts the crowd
whatnot: secrets
whatnot: with gabby
whatnot: more jazz hands
whatnot: jazz hands!
whatnot: hugs from genevieve
whatnot: smilin' mehtab
whatnot: look at all those tiaras!
whatnot: rebecca
whatnot: on to the afterparty where jeremiah
whatnot: meg
whatnot: jesse
whatnot: (brian) pam and jenn
whatnot: emily
whatnot: the walsh boys
whatnot: shiny