whatnot: uncanny resemblance
whatnot: Mom and Dad
whatnot: discussing world events
whatnot: "an offer you can't refuse"
whatnot: svelte as always
whatnot: Happy Father's Day
whatnot: can I freshen your glass?
whatnot: smile already
whatnot: happy dad-iversary
whatnot: all asnooze
whatnot: let us pray
whatnot: chrysalis
whatnot: favorite things
whatnot: Thomas
whatnot: cousins
whatnot: Glen and Tami
whatnot: Me and Kevin
whatnot: Earl and Jillian
whatnot: glasses
whatnot: hi
whatnot: at the riverwalk
whatnot: soda fountain I
whatnot: soda fountain II
whatnot: playing on the bed
whatnot: wedding photo!