whatnot: sky
whatnot: silt
whatnot: looking for fossils
whatnot: again with the fossils
whatnot: enough with the fossils ...
whatnot: let's swim!
whatnot: finding rocks to skip
whatnot: finally headed into the water
whatnot: down at the swimmin' hole
whatnot: tummy
whatnot: mike, mike, and michael
whatnot: close to mom
whatnot: chips
whatnot: wading
whatnot: helping hands
whatnot: worried
whatnot: shore
whatnot: teh puppy!
whatnot: more puppy!
whatnot: bow legged
whatnot: brainstorm
whatnot: me
whatnot: run away
whatnot: run back
whatnot: sitting
whatnot: sitting
whatnot: tuckered
whatnot: long shadows