Whatknot: Cristo on Canty?
Whatknot: Kidd Springs Butterfly Garden
Whatknot: Kidd Springs Butterfly Garden
Whatknot: Experimental Focus
Whatknot: Flight 2
Whatknot: Wide Flight
Whatknot: Flight
Whatknot: Skipper
Whatknot: In the garden
Whatknot: Pod
Whatknot: One more
Whatknot: Another
Whatknot: Another Butterfly
Whatknot: Pearl Crescent
Whatknot: Variegated Fritillary
Whatknot: Southern Dogface
Whatknot: Summer heat
Whatknot: Butterfly Garden
Whatknot: In Bloom
Whatknot: Swallowtail
Whatknot: The Visitor
Whatknot: Giant Swallowtail
Whatknot: Not a weed
Whatknot: Along the garden path
Whatknot: Ladybug on white
Whatknot: On the garden path
Whatknot: Kidd Springs Butterfly
Whatknot: Becker's white butterfly - Pontia beckerii
Whatknot: Busy Bees
Whatknot: Painted Lady