troycochrane: Cottage window, with curtains, at night
troycochrane: Stuffies in the cottage
troycochrane: View out the front door
troycochrane: Rusting struts
troycochrane: Old swing
troycochrane: Old church pew
troycochrane: Lawn mower hiding in the bushes
troycochrane: Diptych
troycochrane: Slough
troycochrane: No hunting 2
troycochrane: Power pole against the sky
troycochrane: Cattle in a field
troycochrane: This way or that way
troycochrane: No hunting
troycochrane: Road restricted
troycochrane: Grid road under stormy sky
troycochrane: Cobweb on light fixture
troycochrane: Lamp without shade
troycochrane: Sheds and tall grass 2
troycochrane: Alley behind the stalls
troycochrane: Light streaming into a stall
troycochrane: Bridle
troycochrane: Light Bulb
troycochrane: Bridles
troycochrane: Horse care implements
troycochrane: Chain on a bale
troycochrane: Light coming into the barn
troycochrane: Electronica
troycochrane: Sheds and tall grass