WFHSusan: Getting ready
WFHSusan: First stop
WFHSusan: Respect
WFHSusan: Secret door to,,,,not telling
WFHSusan: Multifunction -water, time & wind
WFHSusan: Just leaving
WFHSusan: Welcome
WFHSusan: Who lives here?
WFHSusan: Admiration
WFHSusan: Guard dog
WFHSusan: The artist
WFHSusan: Out of the woods....
WFHSusan: ...but not for long
WFHSusan: Going up
WFHSusan: The folly
WFHSusan: At the castle folly
WFHSusan: Detail
WFHSusan: dc P6050225 (2)
WFHSusan: Lovers leap ...don't all rush at once!
WFHSusan: Time for a group photo
WFHSusan: Not another one!
WFHSusan: All done
WFHSusan: A few steps down......
WFHSusan: ...a few more....
WFHSusan: Back towards the mansion
WFHSusan: The old mill
WFHSusan: Roots
WFHSusan: Carving
WFHSusan: A brief rest.....
WFHSusan: ...and off again