WFHSusan: Getting Ready
WFHSusan: Well prepared Molly
WFHSusan: Leaving the park
WFHSusan: Susan Ralates Police Station History
WFHSusan: Forget the lecture - got any nuts?
WFHSusan: At the grave of Inspector William Bird
WFHSusan: Detail
WFHSusan: On to Troopers Hill Field
WFHSusan: Local information
WFHSusan: Theft of billiard balls at the Pied Horse
WFHSusan: Theft of billiard balls (6 Months Hard Labour)
WFHSusan: Theft of apples - sentenced to 4 months
WFHSusan: Summerhill House
WFHSusan: Apple theft (4 months)
WFHSusan: Through the allotments
WFHSusan: Emerging on to Plummers Hill Open Space
WFHSusan: Finally crime of affray - sentence 2 months!
WFHSusan: Affray (2 Months)