WFHSusan: Meeting at the car park near Warmley Station
WFHSusan: Setting off down the railway path
WFHSusan: Pausing in the shade
WFHSusan: Warmley Forest Park
WFHSusan: Walking on the railway path
WFHSusan: An amazing sculpture by the railway path
WFHSusan: Man in a box?
WFHSusan: Across the A4174
WFHSusan: Bridge repairs
WFHSusan: A pause in the shade
WFHSusan: Xylophone
WFHSusan: Examining the xylophone
WFHSusan: Leaving the railway path
WFHSusan: Dodging the stile
WFHSusan: Between the electric fences
WFHSusan: Along the field side path
WFHSusan: Another pause in the shade
WFHSusan: From the shade into the sun
WFHSusan: Ivy on tree
WFHSusan: Steps up to the golf club
WFHSusan: A pause at Shortwood Golf Club
WFHSusan: Sitting in the sun at Shortwood Golf Club
WFHSusan: Leaving the golf club
WFHSusan: View
WFHSusan: Through the hay meadow
WFHSusan: Through the grasses
WFHSusan: Following the path
WFHSusan: Kit's photo
WFHSusan: Peacock butterfly caterpillar
WFHSusan: Down the slope