ThreeB's: The day before
ThreeB's: The little beach by the fishing pier
ThreeB's: Dighny Hanging on
ThreeB's: AHSEP dock
ThreeB's: Optis safe and sound
ThreeB's: High water
ThreeB's: Audacia's last breaths
ThreeB's: Can't even see the end of the breakwater.
ThreeB's: The Next Day
ThreeB's: Pretty Wave
ThreeB's: Low Tide
ThreeB's: A Rare view of the harbor
ThreeB's: Calm, a week later
ThreeB's: The big Hole
ThreeB's: This doesn't belong here!
ThreeB's: Audacia Rests
ThreeB's: Audacia still sits there a week later, battered
ThreeB's: Need stronger Rope
ThreeB's: The other branch
ThreeB's: Our yard the next day