Pat Ulrich: Snuggle up to your sweetie -- Happy Valentine's!
Pat Ulrich: Preening pintail
Pat Ulrich: Northern pintail drake
Pat Ulrich: Feeding avocet
Pat Ulrich: Avocet, reflected
Pat Ulrich: Northern Pintail Drake
Pat Ulrich: In the meantime, a sparrow
Pat Ulrich: Heron portrait
Pat Ulrich: Stilt ripples
Pat Ulrich: Stilt reflection
Pat Ulrich: Stilt reflection
Pat Ulrich: Pintail party scene
Pat Ulrich: Snowy on a stump
Pat Ulrich: Pintail Drakes
Pat Ulrich: Black-necked stilt in the marsh
Pat Ulrich: Stilt Reflection
Pat Ulrich: Stilt portrait
Pat Ulrich: Stilt feeding
Pat Ulrich: Nothern pintail drakes
Pat Ulrich: Black-necked stilt feeding
Pat Ulrich: Good morning and Happy New Year!
Pat Ulrich: Happy Holidays!!
Pat Ulrich: Can't stop...
Pat Ulrich: In a row
Pat Ulrich: More pintails
Pat Ulrich: Pintail plumage
Pat Ulrich: Stealing the show
Pat Ulrich: Pintail portrait
Pat Ulrich: Nothern Pintail Drakes (1of3)
Pat Ulrich: Nothern Pintail Drakes (2of3)