Pat Ulrich: Caspian terns
Pat Ulrich: Tern taking flight
Pat Ulrich: Forster's Terns
Pat Ulrich: Don't even think of landing here!
Pat Ulrich: Stretch
Pat Ulrich: Landing
Pat Ulrich: Ring-billed gull
Pat Ulrich: Western gull with breakfast (more in comments)
Pat Ulrich: When one goes.... (1of2)
Pat Ulrich: When one goes.... (2of2)
Pat Ulrich: Heermanns on the Beach
Pat Ulrich: Just fed
Pat Ulrich: Heermann & Friends
Pat Ulrich: Caspian terns at Point Reyes
Pat Ulrich: Terns in last light
Pat Ulrich: Terns in last light
Pat Ulrich: Tern looking for a meal
Pat Ulrich: One-legged Sentries
Pat Ulrich: Heermann's Gulls at High Tide
Pat Ulrich: Heermann's Gulls
Pat Ulrich: Tern in flight
Pat Ulrich: Tern searching for breakfast
Pat Ulrich: Wake-up call
Pat Ulrich: Seagull and Chick
Pat Ulrich: Least Terns (courting?)
Pat Ulrich: Common Tern at Sandy Point
Pat Ulrich: Least tern on its nest
Pat Ulrich: Least tern delivering a fish
Pat Ulrich: Hungry least tern chick