Pat Ulrich: Sanderling straight-on
Pat Ulrich: Dunlin preening at sunset
Pat Ulrich: Dunlin on the run
Pat Ulrich: Sanderling checking the wrack
Pat Ulrich: Sanderlings in a sandstorm
Pat Ulrich: Has it really been a year?
Pat Ulrich: Semiplamated plover on Plum Island
Pat Ulrich: Tip of the feather
Pat Ulrich: Pair of semipalms
Pat Ulrich: Semipalmated plover at sunset
Pat Ulrich: Tranquility at sunset
Pat Ulrich: Dowitcher at Radio Road Ponds
Pat Ulrich: Focused sandpiper
Pat Ulrich: Sanderling stands alone
Pat Ulrich: Peeps on Limantour
Pat Ulrich: Dinner for a dunlin
Pat Ulrich: Killdeer at sunrise
Pat Ulrich: Sanderling at sunrise
Pat Ulrich: Western snowy plover
Pat Ulrich: Strolling dunlin
Pat Ulrich: A sanderling for Laura
Pat Ulrich: Dunlin in a crowd
Pat Ulrich: Dunlin catches prey
Pat Ulrich: Feeding dunlin
Pat Ulrich: Sanderling with clam
Pat Ulrich: Sanderling with prey
Pat Ulrich: Dunlin on the beach
Pat Ulrich: Flock of sandpipers in flight
Pat Ulrich: Shorebird welcoming committee
Pat Ulrich: Late summer sanderling