Pat Ulrich: Eyeing up the visitors
Pat Ulrich: Bull elephant seal
Pat Ulrich: Herd of gray seals
Pat Ulrich: Southern sea otters at Moss Landing
Pat Ulrich: Sunset display
Pat Ulrich: Northern elephant seal coming out of the waves
Pat Ulrich: The Standoff (with video on my blog)
Pat Ulrich: Just before the charge
Pat Ulrich: Aggressive display
Pat Ulrich: Ever watchful (1 of 2 for today)
Pat Ulrich: Eye contact (2 of 2 for today)
Pat Ulrich: King of Loser's Beach (1 of 2 for today)
Pat Ulrich: Master of his beach (2 of 2 for today)
Pat Ulrich: Silhouette
Pat Ulrich: Enjoying the sunset
Pat Ulrich: Posturing bull (plus link to video & sound on my blog)
Pat Ulrich: Resting beauty
Pat Ulrich: The whole seal
Pat Ulrich: Here come the elephant seals
Pat Ulrich: Male northern elephant seal
Pat Ulrich: How many pups do you see?
Pat Ulrich: That time of year again
Pat Ulrich: Like mother, like pup
Pat Ulrich: Hilarious
Pat Ulrich: Safely away from the chaos
Pat Ulrich: Sea lion portrait
Pat Ulrich: On the Rocks
Pat Ulrich: Contentment
Pat Ulrich: Catching the Last Rays of Sun
Pat Ulrich: Tender moments